Tantric Sex In Atlanta – A Gentleman’s Perspective
If you have not yet read Lisa’s previous post STOP right now scroll down and read it first – you’ll be glad you did. And this will make much more sense to you. So as you know Lisa and I attended an incredible Tantric event in Atlanta hosted by our new friends Kenya K and Rakhem Seku. To say our experience was incredible would be a major understatement! Lisa asked me to share my perspective on the event and our experience, and well…how could I say no?
Let me start with a little background first. For years Lisa has wanted us to look into the art of Tantra, insisting that we would benefit from what we might learn. I however was resistant to the idea. Something about Tantra sounded more weird than I could bear. Not to mention, my strict Christian upbringing (even though I don't consider myself one any longer) just wouldn’t allow me to entertain such questionable practices. I don’t know what I thought was so questionable to be honest, but it just didn’t seem kosher. Needless to say, I’ve come a long way in a short time and I was as eager as Lisa to attend this event on Saturday.
So on to the night’s proceedings. The night begins with Kenya asking all of the men to find a lady to partner with that we did not know. Talk about jumping into the fire. Honestly, considering that we were at a Tantric Sex event, I was a bit nervous about what her next instruction might have been. Kenya instructs the men to begin complimenting their new partner. We are told to observe her and tell her everything good that we see about her. Wow! After about a minute of intense scrutiny and an onslaught of praise we are stopped and questioned. How many of the women allowed the men to speak without interrupting them? How many women said thank you at the end? How many women would not let the man say anything complimentary about them? What was thought provoking to me were not the replies so much as the questions. You see the women were given no instructions, and inevitably did what they would normally do in a discourse with a man. Some listened with appreciation, others interrupted with their own thoughts or opinions, and some totally missed everything and never said a kind word. In a one minute exercise the ladies were made aware of a communication strength and/or weakness they practice in their relationships. Certainly you can imagine that when we were instructed to find a new partner and repeat the exercise, hardly a lady spoke a word except a thank you when the gentlemen were done speaking. Remarkable! Immediately I began to understand Tantra as much more than just an exercise for the bedroom. And this was just the beginning. I was ready for the main event! But not so soon.
Next, we set the atmosphere with an incredible guided Tantra meditation by a beautiful spirit of a sister, Brownlyn. (Sorry I can’t remember her last name. If someone can hit us up with it and her link info we’d be glad to update). Again, Lisa has been wonderful at leading our family into an awesome appreciation for meditation, but this is still new to me. This meditation however seemed so simple, and relaxing….I was definitely ready!
Ok, bring on brother Rakhem Seku! We were about to witness how to bring a woman to Expanded Orgasm and Orgasmic Bliss without even touching her. Without Even Touching Her! WITHOUT Touching Her!! Ok, I’m sorry…where was I? Oh yeah, so let me tell you before attending the event, Lisa and I prepped ourselves by watching the video of a previous similar event. We had some idea of what to expect as we saw Rakhem Seku appear to bring a woman to full body orgasm without laying a hand on her.
I can’t tell you how grateful I was for the way Kenya and Rakhem Seku introduced this part of the event, it was so impressive. In the back of my mind, after witnessing the video, I thought we were going to come to watch some guy show us how awesome He is by demonstrating a neat trick that only few men who became Tantra masters would be able to perform. Not at all! We begun with a simple demonstration of how we ALL have the ability to feel another persons Ora or energy. All the guests sat facing their partner with hands up and palms facing each other about 1 inch apart. After holding them in this position for just under a minute we could begin to feel the heat or energy radiating from our partner. We were encouraged to look into each others eyes and feel that energy penetrate us deeply. Wicked!! I can’t say I felt a bolt of lightning strike through me or anything, but the energy was definitely real. Rakhem Seku explains that it is the same energy that he will be using to affect the volunteer’s Ora, and ultimately bring her to a state of orgasmic bliss. More importantly he assured us that we could all do this at home with our own partner. Totally Awesome!!
The model (who is clothed and wrapped in a thick cloth) lays down on a large bed used for the demonstration. Rakhem Seku begins to move his hand over her body. As he does so he is explaining that women are magnetic and men are electric. Our electricity increases the woman’s magnetism and her receptivity. The only instruction the model was given was to relax, and allow whatever sound she wanted to make to freely come out of her. The room came to a very loud hush as we all watched in anticipation. It was only a matter of minutes before there was an evident response from our model. Her breathing was much more rapid, her moaning much more audible, and her movements much more noticeable. Amazingly Rakhem Seku was speaking periodically through this session, confident that this lady was in such a state of bliss that his conversation with us would not interrupt. In fact, after about 15 minutes or so of this Non Touch session, she was in an obvious full body orgasm and he was able to stand up and leave her side without affecting her intensity at all. He even commented that she no longer needed him. She was in a state of bliss, having an obvious expanded orgasm in a room full of people, having been guided to this state by a gracious gentleman who never laid a hand on her! I had seen enough! I could have packed up and left right then!! But not so quick. As Lisa mentioned Kenya walked through the room helping the ladies who were observing to become more open to receiving their own sense of bliss from what Rakhem Seku was doing with the model. What?? They were saying that even the women who were sitting and watching could feel the same sense of orgasm right in their seat!
What I found incredibly amazing about all of this, is that at no time did it seem like I was watching a sexual act or experience. Granted there was an undeniable sense of sensuality, but there was nothing indiscreet about it. And though I’ve used the term orgasm many times over in my account of this experience, it is because I now have a new appreciation of what it means. My paradigm has been expanded. And my understanding shifted. Orgasm should be as much a part of our life (especially if you are a woman!) as it has been a part of my conversation in this post. I look forward to sharing more insight on the importance of sensuality, sexuality and how we have confused and misused the two.
I’ll return soon with the low down on our own experimenting with Non Touch Tantra….you know we had to do it, right!!
Guest Post by D. (Lisa’s Hubby)
All I can say is...WOW! I contemplating attending an event after I convince my husband of course!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! What a wonderful account of the experience and as we did not video the session, I feel good having something to hold on to! You are an excellent writer! But we still do not know what happened until 7:00 AM??????
ReplyDeleteI think it would have been more "believable" if the instructor would have used a random lady from the audience as the model. I'm still very skeptical.
ReplyDeleteHi D ~ Welcome to Lisa C's!
ReplyDeleteI can understand your position in thinking that Tantra only works if each participant is familiar with one another and has some knowledge on how it works. I was some what of a skeptic when I first studied about it some years ago and that was before I gave it a try. In Tantra there has to be a giver and a receiver. Let me say that again, In Tantra there has to be a giver and a receiver and if you are willing to be either one it will work.
My husband and I practice Tantra all the time and each time we experience something different. Our connection has been deepened because of it and that leads to a deeper connection to every other aspect of our relationship.
The instructor used two random models from the audience. These where women who volunteered on their own accord. I believe that they where both familiar with Tantra on some level, however (to my knowledge) neither one of them was prepared for what they experienced. As a participant sitting in the audience I felt the energy that was coming from them as they opened up to receive.
You can always stand on the outskirts of something, look in and give your opinion about it. But as the saying goes...don't knock it until you try it. I would encourage you to!
Be Blessed!
Your blog is beautiful! Love the orange and crispy feel, Lisa! You wrote.."In Tantra there has to be a giver and a receiver and if you are willing to be either one it will work." By saying that wouldn't this imply that there has to be a man and a woman to experience or be in Tantra? Then that would say that a single woman or individual man could not experience tantra. Tantra moves beyond man and woman, beyond duality. Unless you move beyond both you can never taste the ultimate. Tantra is pure technique that will take you beyond, beyond form, beyond consciousness, unconsciousness, higher conscious... beyond, beyond! :-)
ReplyDeleteGoddess Surya ~ Thanks for the Love!
ReplyDeleteYour words of Love have enlightened me to expand my awareness of Tantra and all of it's capabilities. I'm grateful that Tantra and so many beautiful being have come into mine and Hubby's life who help us to continue to evolve into who we truly are.
I'm keeping you close to me, Lady! And, I thoroughly enjoyed our time spent when you visited ATL!!