I Was On Lock Down
I was at the library on Tuesday enjoying some "me" time when over the loud speaker the librarian said that there was going to be a thunder storm watch in this area. She sounded kind of startled and at the end apologized if she had scared anyone. It didn't scare me or anything just got me to thinking about that F2 that hit downtown Atlanta a little while ago so, I started wrapping up this post so I could get out of there. No less than two minutes went by when she came across the loud speaker again saying, that there is now a thunder storm warning for our area and we are locking the library doors so no one can leave and for every one to please move to the safe areas away from the windows. What? Ok, now I got a little concerned but stayed calm and just did what she said.
As I was packing up I noticed that just a few feet in front of me a teenage girl was still on the computer going about her business like she didn't hear what the librarian said. I thought, is it me or maybe this little girl didn't hear what I just heard, I didn't think we were given choice. Please move to the safe areas away from the windows sounded to me like an order. Then I realized that she did hear because when a librarian came over to ask her to shut down her computer she said "nothing is going to happen it's just a warning, can I just sit here until it passes. I don't know why everyone is getting all concerned". The nerve! The librarian didn't pay what she said any attention and calmly asked her to get her little butt up and move. Teenagers these days, what are we gonna do with them.
I followed the crowd to the safe areas and took a seat (on the floor). Meanwhile at home, D. had all of the kids (except the baby) get in to the downstairs bathroom with blankets and some books to keep them busy while he kept the baby with him and watched what was going on on the news. They were saying that the worse was yet to come for our area and basically to prepare for anything. We don't take these warnings for granted anymore because of what happened in Atlanta, seriously that was a wake up call for most sensible people, except the teenagers who were giving the librarian a hard time for locking us in. No, I don't have anything against teenagers, it's just (as you know) mine just turned thirteen and I'm beginning to experience what all of my friends have warned me about. They really do think they know it all.
Imagine with me for a minute, me at the library with a bunch of strangers and my husband and kids at home without me going through something like this, I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to stay on the phone the whole time with D. (but then, I did) because I didn't want my battery to die. Just in case I needed it for an emergency.
They moved us to another area with more coverage and that's when I met Dennis (I hope that's how you spell it). Anyway, I felt a little better because if anything worse was to happen at least I knew someone there who would look out for me like my husband would. I know, it sounds crazy now that I'm even writing this, but it's real. Things like buildings, houses and trees crashing down in storms are real. Many people think it won't happen to me, that's until it does. I had to prepare myself for whatever.
We talked for a while and I found out that he took precautions himself, called his wife and kids to make sure they would stay inside until it passed. He was in the middle of writing a paper for school, he's six weeks away from graduation. If I'm not mistaken he said he was studying for his masters (forgive me if I'm wrong, I had my family on my mind). Anyways, thanks for the company and the stick of gum, I hope you've enjoyed your visit to Lisa C Writes.
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