The Infamous Tagging Has Returned

The lovely Lakeisha, from KreativeTalk got tagged and thought, why not mossey on over there to Lisa C and add more work to her already full plate! LOL just joking, Lakeisha ;)
I love tags!!

Down to business, The Rules:

*Link the person who tagged you.
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*The fun part ~ Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks about yourself.
*Tag 6 other bloggers and link them.
*Leave a comment letting them know you tagged them and that's it!

A little while ago I did a tag similar to this one. So will I be cheating if I created a link to that post and save myself some precious time, nope!

Before I link to that post I have to say that I'm not looking forward to revealing these weird things about me again. I say if you missed it you missed it, right? Oh well let me suck it up but, no laughing, alright :)

You're actually going to get a bonus because I shared 7 things.

I'm tagging: Monique, Dara, Tracy, Lady Banana, Angelika, Mimi


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