Sign Up For Earth Hour - March 29, 2008

We're very proud that Mayor Shirley Franklin and the City of Atlanta will be participating in Earth Hour 2008.

Earth Hour was a movement that begun last year in Sydney Australia where every participant simply shut off their lights for one hour. In an effort to take responsibility for our own planetary fate - local government, corporations, and over 2 million individuals took a simple yet bold idea that resulted in the reduction of 25 million tons of carbon emissions. The effects of the Sydney experiment were so powerful, that the movement has become global. And today over 24 major cities around the world are participating in the one hour event. In addition, thousands of businesses and corporations will participate, as well as 10's of millions of people all across the world.

Take a look at this short video to find out more about Earth Hour 2008.

We encourage you to join us as we do our part to make our planet a better place for our children.

Sign up For Earth Hour 2008!


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