The Great Battery Experiment Part I

STOP! Before you hit the play button and end up wondering why in the world are we doing this, you first have to watch this.

Now you can proceed to our "Great Battery Experiment".

We call this part 1 because we're determined to find our "missing" batteries...LOL. Stay tuned for part 2.


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    i remember the other video that you posted and you know what, i still haven't done this yet; i really need to get on the ball with this experiment.

  2. Marcus~ Please do! Let me know when it's up so I could see if this thing really works :)

  3. Hey,
    I tried this before and it had the same result as you guys.. I heard somebody say that it worked but umm.. from my results and yours it didn't. see ya!!!


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