Mag My Pic!

It's time to have some fun! As I was visiting some of my beautiful friends in the blogosphere this weekend I came across this meme that has been going around called MagMyPic. It's really easy to do, just plug in a pic of yourself and choose a magazine cover you want grace.

The rules are simple. 1)Link back to the person who tagged you. 2)Tag as little or as many friends as you like, just make sure and tag somebody!

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with:

D., Mrs. G, Yolanda, Marcus, Shelia, Rolando, Torrance, Aly, Regina, LaKeshia, Tanyetta, Lianne

Have Fun ;)

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7 Randoms

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  1. Alright Ms. Lisa, I slept on the last tag you hit me with so I did this one. This means the next two or three times you hit me I'm taking a pass!

    I actually think that these are really neat though. I really like your Maxim Cover.

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    This does look fun, I see your maxim spread. I can't wait...I'll be back.

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Neat idea- your covers turned out great. Thanks for the tag :)

  4. It will either be the economist or Playgirl

  5. So you wanna be on the cover or Maxim huh? *chuckle*

  6. Lisa, your pics are too cute. :-)

  7. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I returned the tag over at my blog sis :-]

    Marcus LANGFORD

  8. i did one but its bit too wild, ill post it at the botttom of my page in the side bar for a day LOL

  9. I didn't know you tagged me, but...I am returning the favor!

  10. i tok it down and emailed u the script

  11. Thanks for the tag! Mine is up and it was fun!
    BTW, did your husband like your maxim pic???

  12. This was so much fun! Thanks everyone for playing along.
    Yes, Regina! He took the shot ;)


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