Where's Lisa C?

Where has Lisa C been? Is she coming back? These must have been questions rolling around in your head over the past week. It's been rolling around in mine. As a matter of fact I'm seriously going through withdrawals. I miss you guys so much. As the week went by I thought of many of you, old friends and new. I could take this little time that I have right now to list all of you but I'm not going to, you know who you are.

Being away has shown me how much I enjoy this world of the blogosphere. I've reflected on what my presence means and the value that I have to offer, I don't take it lightly.

Now for the 'what's been going on' part. My internet connection has been down and up, down and up. I can't keep a connection. Right now I'm sitting at Apple Bee's, a neighborhood restaurant


  1. the words "modern technology" almost seems like an oxymoron doesn't it?

  2. The same thing happened to me!! as soon as I posted '
    Ayo Technology' a few hours later my laptop went haywire. I now have to buy a new one! I can't even log on to the internet, I have to use my phone.

  3. Anonymous11:23 PM

    (deep sigh)...come back to us lisa c.

    i know for a fact that i miss having you around my blogspot.

    stop by when you get a chance.

    Subscribe to 'Mind of Marcus'
    The Mind For Revolution Is Here
    In conjunction w/ DrewryOnline.net

  4. I was just thinking the same thing. Where is Lisa C? Gee. Fire your ISP, lol.

  5. It's good to hear from you Lisa, get back when you can. I hope that you and your family had a lovely Thanksgiving and that all is well.

  6. Hey Lisa, force vacations bite! OTOH as you said, it gives you a chance to miss us, so it's really a win-lol!

  7. Always good to see you! So .. come back when you can, post your wonderful posts, we'll always be here with you. :)

  8. glad u backed though u had been kid naped by blackwater

  9. come back lisa c!!! WWWHHHYYYYYY!!!!!!! well, whenever you DO come back, i'll know... just subscribed to your feeds by email! ;-)



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