More Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up With BlogRush!

Hey guys, have you noticed something different about my blog? That's right, I have changed over to a wider template. Ahhh, more room to stretch and!!

Notice, over on my side bar I've added a new widget created by BlogRush. Basically, it's a new way to help generate traffic to your blog. I've included this short video that will explain it all. Take a look and consider joining. Tons of bloggers have already signed up to take advantage. After you watch the video, click on the button below to get started.

Let me know what you think guys?


  1. Thanks for the info!

  2. I've had mine for the last day or so, seems to be working. :) I see different visitors coming from different sites, not just BlogCatalog or MyBlogLog.

  3. Hey Lisa!!! So many nice posts! I'm glad you feel so creative!

    PS. And I also like Rolando's site :)

  4. Hey good lookin'. I'm trying to get folks over to my site and overthrow the world with silly blackness. This just may help...

  5. Hey AJ, you're welcome. Hope it brings you some good love. I'll stop by and check it out.

    Aww man, I wish you would have signed up under me, Rolando :) Sounds like it's working.

    Nelli, seems like we have good taste!

    Thanks for coming over Thembi! Hope it helps the both of us!

  6. How did you categorize your blog on Blogrush? The categories are a little limited.

  7. Hi AJ, I believe it was parenting and family. Let me know what you decide on.

  8. What happened you ask? For whatever reason it aint workin' for me...

  9. Thembi, they were having some problems recently, maybe that had something to do with it.

    If you want to try again, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Is there any way to customize the widget, Lisa? Can you change its colors or fonts?

  11. Erina~ BlogRush is the process of creating widget colors to suit your site. They say it will be available in a few days.

  12. hey, thanks for stopping by my site. I love what you're doing over here. and I will be adding that blog rush to my site as well.

  13. Thanks for stopping by Sincere. Welcome to my place!

    I hope you see some good results with BlogRush. It has really helped me.

  14. I had a HUGE amount of traffic at first and now not so much. we'll see what happens. :)

  15. Hey babe...I love it! Not so crazy about some of the links that show up but I just figured out you can do a keyword filter so that's good. So far I have been seeing a marked increase in my traffic.

  16. Jon~ I've notice the traffic and it's been great! I do hope that it will continue to work like it's supposed too. :)

    Themakeupgirl~ I never knew about the key word filter, thanks for the info.
    You're right, so far I've heard it's increased traffic for many and that's what we were hoping for. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to come over and give me a shout out! :)

  17. freddy krueger dunks sbthank you for sharing it,so nice!!


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