Janet Jackson - Any Time, Any Place...Literally!

It's Saturday morning and as I'm sitting here at my laptop (in my new office...smile) it begins to rain very hard. I love it when it rains like this, it's something about the mood it creates in me. So as I follow this mood I remember one of my old favorites by Janet Jackson - Any time, Any place.

It seems like D and I get such little time together these days. He just left for work, can't wait for him to come home.

This ones for you hunny. ;)


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    sounds like you're all warm and fuzzy inside. Its rained here a little yesterday. I sort of wished i had someone to cuddle up w/ myself. Nice write.

  2. Haven't heard that one in a long time! Hope you are all enjoying your new house. Take care.

  3. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I always liked that song. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Blogxilla, warm and fuzzy sounds like a good way to describe my mood. Cuddling in the rain is one of my favorites.

    Sheliza, doesn't this song take you back? Oh, the memories.
    We are loving our new home. I'm enjoying decorating and that can last a long time.

    You have good taste Opal. You're welcome!


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