What A Long Day....
I had a long day today. It started off with me running around this morning getting everyone ready to get out the door. Tanisha had to be at the seminar for 11:30, I don't like being late. I did my best to get there on time. The good thing about it was on our way there I took a deep breathe and reminded myself that if I don't get there in time it's not the end of the world. Guess what??? I called my mother-in-law and she said they got started almost on hour late so we weren't late afterall. So you know what I did right? I patted myself on the back for not allowing it to get the best of me. Good Job L! Tanisha told me she enjoyed herself today. She said being able to help her grandmother and getting to do something for someone else made her feel good about herself. You best believe I'll be looking for similar opportunities for her in the future.
I'm also in the process of finalizing everything for a party that I'm having on the 2nd of Feb. I'm so excited about it. I've been wanting to have one of these parties for about 3 years now. It's called "Slumber Parties". Exclusively for ladies 18 and older. Lots of goodies,tips, and tricks. So far I've invited 11 women who will be bringing a friend of their own. Talk about a house full. And I'm not done inviting. I'm going to have only finger foods, not trying to feed folks a full course meal, just something to nibble on. I went to what is called "For Sisters Only" held in Atlanta every year. I can't remember the last time I went, but I know for sure I didn't have baby 2,3, or 4 as yet. I got to go recently because D. was helping out a friend of his at his booth, so we went to hang out with him. That's where I saw the Slumber Parties booth and decided that it was time. This was in Nov. I was glad when I was invited to their Christmas party at the Marriot because I wanted to experience it first before I had a party of my own with my friends. Wanted to make sure it was classy and all in good taste . To my satisfaction it was
. So thus began my journey to hosting my own party. I will be sure to update on the progress of it all.
Business is steady growing. One of our downlines called tonight and said her dad is ready to move forward. I'm really happy for her. She has been faithful and persistent in her work and now it's starting to pay off. You Go Angela!
My plan was to go to bed early tonight, wake up when D. got home or be woken up by D when D got home, and hang out with him. Not going to happen!! I'm up blogging!! He just walked through the door so you know we have to talk about his meeting and my day. It's cool though. Tomorrow is Saturday. Maybe the baby will let me sleep past 8:00. Hate it for D, he has to be out of hear at 8:00 in the morning for another meeting. I know he's going to be tired. So when he gets home I'll be sure to give him some Love.
That's it for now.....
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