I Finally Did It!
I recently gave in to joining Facebook , another one of these popular social network sites. I was invited to join by my older brother to connect with other family members. This part of Facebook has been very rewarding for me otherwise I would just settle for the once in a blue moon phone call , but we all know that's not really staying connected. That's the good side, now for the other. It has become a major online distraction of my time. With so many things to do, from checking new messages, notifications,friend requests, updates on your friends changes and adding the many applications to your page that allows you to give it it's own unique feel and look. Of course this is merely a little bit of all you can do, I'm still getting my feet wet. This leads me into my invitation. If you are on Facebook let me know and I'll add you and if not go check it out you might find some use for it as well. Just understand, it's highly addictive and if you're not ...