
Showing posts from January, 2014

My Secret To Our Happy Marriage

Happy marriages and successful marriages do exist and mine is a living testimony. This post is part of the Happy Wives Club Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with hundreds of inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us,  CLICK HERE!    This month the Happy Wives Club is celebrating marriages through the, "It's All About Love" blog tour. I'm happy to be a part of that celebration. Creating lasting love in any relationship takes work. The following is a very personal story that I've never shared before. It's about a very dark moment I experienced in my marriage and what we did that saved our love.  My number one secret to our happy marriage is communication .  In Stephen Covey's book, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" he says that during communication one should, "Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Communication is the most important skill in life. You spend years learning how ...

Sunday Morning at Our House

We love days like these were we lounge, chat, and enjoy each others company. David gets to enjoy his day off and we get to enjoy him. The kids cooked us brunch while David and I took a moment to catch up on some reading and writing and other important things. It's a change in pace for us from the busy schedule we all operate on during the week.  Here's a peek inside our home on a somewhat typical Sunday. Enjoy. Lady Bast in her favorite place, our bed. My photography:  LisaCsnaps

Fabulous Finds Friday #21 My Peace of Mind

Be your own therapy. Become a master at pleasing yourself. Study what you like and begin to open up to those things. Move towards your pleasures like a mad woman or man. Enjoy, indulge, revive, refresh...yourself.  After a long day at work I needed this moment. I needed this healing. My body ached, my mind was clouded, and the world was beginning to take over. I needed to wash it all away. In this moment I said, "Enough". In this moment I said, "Yes, to me". How passionate are you about following your pleasures? How far are you willing to go to ensure you experience your pleasures?  In Love, Your Pleasure Pusher ... See more Fabulous Finds Friday posts here.

Staying Open

*I began writing this blog entry months ago. My fear stopped me from completing it. I now had the courage to complete and release it. I hope it brings you closure like it did for me. I hope it inspires you to live more freely. I told him, I allowed the world to make me hard. After I said those words I felt a bit of elevation in my spirit. Not enough to feel completely better but just enough to feel better in the moment. He allowed me to speak while he did nothing but listen. I needed this.  My words flowed like running water. He became a bucket for me to pour them into. He contained all of me. His listening ear became my refuge. I felt safe to continue.  I told him that I was struggling with being open with people like I want to be. I told him that I feel a burning within me to share but my reasons not to take over. I told him that I felt shame around this. I thought that I was better than this. I thought that I had overcome this some time ago. He ...

Fabulous Finds Friday #20 CafeMom

W hile browsing the web searching for some communities to join or rejoin I came across my old profile page from the very first online social networking site I joined. I was stoked! I lit up at the memories that flashed across my mind. I loved that site and the women I connected with intimately. Some really close friendships happened as a result of being there. CafeMom  is the site that got me started on the road to social networks. It was a life saver. During this time I had five young children, my husband was working long hours, and I hardly had any adult interaction. I felt alone on many days. I didn't have connections with the outside world like I wanted which left me feeling desperate for someone to talk to. I needed connection. I craved it. I needed to meet like minded women who understood what I was experiencing and was looking for a way to connect with each other. Staying at home with young children all day long can really impact your life in ways you are not prep...

Look Who's Got Me Cracking Up!

Had the pleasure of reviewing Author Jessie Giles ' book of poems titled, She Sat a small collection. I share my thoughts in the video below.  Enjoy.

The View From My Lens

Moments captured through my lens ...are perfect. Everything about it is perfect. The feelings from holding my camera, to focusing, to steadying, to snap & click. Ever find yourself in moments like these, perfect? We drove around, just me and him, and shared perfect moments that will be remembered. I like capturing shots while riding around in a moving vehicle. Some come out blurry, some a little uneven and that's what makes them perfect. This is what photography does - gives you moments that last forever. Hope you enjoy sharing in these few moments captured with me... Through my eyes I share the beauty of our world with you. LisaCSnaps