Thank You 2013
Yes, really...Thank You. Wow! What a year! Sometimes I'm left speechless when I look back on this year. This year has been one of my best. It's been one of my family's best. It's been incredible! I'm so grateful. So much has changed for me. I've grown in ways I didn't even think I could. I've watched my strength and my ability to believe in myself grow. I'm such a better woman because of this. My family and friends are better as well. This year marked a year of notable change physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm more grounded than ever. I've learned to revere my intuition. I've learned to listen. I've learned to slow down, stop if need be, and just simply listen. I go where I'm told to go, I do what I'm told to do and no longer question whether or not it's for me or against me. This obeying has lead me to a place that this quote I found on Pinterest clearly describes: This quote ...