Be Not Afraid! - Michelle Obama
I just spent some time over at Mr. Solomon's (a friend of mines) blog, when I came across this post that lead me to a video, of Michelle Obama. "Fear, again, raising it's ugly head". "The reason I said "yes" is because I am tired of being afraid". These are just a few words that Michelle Obama spoke that night. I wanted to share this video with you because it's exactly where I am in my life right now. I'm sick and tired of FEAR raising it's ugly unwanted head, setting out to assist me in defeating myself. Over the past few months D. and I have step out in faith and made some major, life altering decisions that have not been easy. One of the reasons why we are here is because we have decided to do different. You know the saying, "if you want different results you have to do different things". Well, along with doing different comes stepping out of your comfort zone and venturing in to territory that's unfamiliar, ri...