Tips On Maneuvering Your Way Through Writer's Rut
In Jamaica I had time to think. I had time to think on things that had been weighing on me for a while. One of those things was my writing. I needed to clear my head in order to write. I needed to find out where my writing voice had gone. It seemed to have disappeared over the last few weeks. Vacationing allows me the space to clear my head and find the answers I've been looking for. So, I sat down at my computer desk to write and this is what came to me. Stories that are left untold / unwritten stay within you and turn into a form of something else. My stories that are left untold usually come out in the form of pictures, facial expressions, energy surging through my body. Energy that is felt by others who sometimes cannot explain what they are feeling. Stories left untold as my writing slips away from me stay within me and come out at different times, in different ways whenever they are ready. I know this sounds like a bit of a ramble but it’s a story coming out in ...