
Showing posts from June, 2013

Brand New Day, Brand New Me

Welcome back! I'm so very glad you are here with me. I've been away for a little while but  in the grand scheme of things it truly hasn't been that long. I needed the time away, it served me and my family well.  Not much has changed around here but I have made some minor changes and will continue to do so as time goes on.  For starters my header is brand new, thanks to my amazingly talented, husband. I'm truly blessed to have a man who knows his way around design work and other things, so I think I'll keep him ;-)

Yoga, A Way of Life

This week I decided that it was time to begin my Yoga practice again. It’s been a long time since I practiced, over six months to be exact. Now I’m realizing how much I missed it. Yoga is more than just movements, a faze, something one does.. Yoga is a way of life. You can’t practice Yoga and not feel compelled to make changes in other areas of your life. Like embracing how much Yoga is connected to my spiritual practices, many of which I put aside for sometime. The reasons are rather touchy at the moment and maybe I’ll share that at another time. But, I’m making a conscious effort to bring them back into my life, today. Here are a few others things I’ve noticed: 1. My body feels great. 2. My mind is clearer. 3. I want to feed my body the things it needs not always what it wants. 4. When I’m dealing with my children and Husband I’m more patient. 5. I’m physically becoming stronger. Just these five things alone makes this prac...

Allowing Others To Be Who They Are

(A beautiful swan I stumbled upon while it was sleeping. Others were around it and moving in the same direction but this one wanted to be left alone to do what it wanted to do.)  Allowing others to be who they are even if it's hurting you is quit the feat to endure but there is freedom in that. Freedom for you, mostly. As we humans go through life we meet many others along the way. We attach ourselves to some, leave some alone, and mingle with some as well. During the many encounters things will happen that will cause unpleasant shifts in the relating and when it does the best thing you can do for yourself is, one: know your boundaries and stick to them. Two: allow others their space to be who they want to be, need to be in the moment. If their decision makes the situation a bit more unpleasant allow that to be okay with you. If their decision makes the situation feel the same or somewhat better allow that to be okay as well. The only thing that you can control i...

Writing Don't Stop - How Journaling Saved Me

During those months of me being away I would not have made it without this tool right here. Journaling saved me. It helped me through some dark days and nights. When I couldn't make sense of the words that were trying to come through me I just scribbled them down in the order they came out. If you were to read some of the pages in my journal it wouldn't make sense to you but they would to me. I see it as a canvas of chaotic beauty. Words that leap from here to there, upside down, around in perfect circles, and some that are even backwards. Perfectly insane sense.  There were days that I sat in silence with no agenda at all in site. The tears that I shed were endless. I was in the beginning stages of finding my way back home. And all I could do was allow the process to take place no matter how much it hurt to do so. In the stillness I found my healing. I found my soul-self.  Do you journal ? For how long have you been a "journaler"? I started my first one ...

It's Good To Be Back

I've missed writing on my blog. The last post I wrote was the beginning phase of a transition that was taking place in my life and as all things have a beginning so do they have an end. That was the end of life as I knew it and as always my blog is a reflection of that. You can scroll through my many pages and you'll see exactly what I mean. My blog reflects the cycles of my life, a perfect flow. More to come. xoxoxo