
Showing posts from November, 2012

Wringing me out like a wet cloth

Dear Friends, ...this is an "in the moment writing", so if it doesn't make sense at first, that's the reason why. Taking a moment to sit with my emotions..... Identifying the place of no return for me when I'm at that point.  Giving myself room to feel...everything. What's coming up for me? Identifying all of that and deciding to be okay.  I'm deciding to be okay with how I feel and that...feels...good. Now that I'm past all those feelings and emotions I can "deal" with the thing that brought me here in the first place. However, the question still I ready?  First, I have to remember a few things.  One, I don't have to agree. Two, I don't have to make a decision about Three, I have to remain non-judgmental. Four, Life will be okay. Five, I will be okay. And, in this order I cast aside blame, take responsibility for my feelings, emotions, thoughts, actions, total physical response an...

Somewhere between fall and winter

The days and nights are getting colder. Oh, how I'm wishing to be somewhere warm and cozy like my good friend who's in the Islands right now. I used to love the colder months and anticipate their arrival but as of a few years ago that all started to change, and I owe it all to my darling Husband.  He loves the warmer weather and if he had it his way we would be living in a warmer climate part of the world where it never drops below 70 degrees. I wouldn't actually mind because I can always hop on a plane whenever I'm missing the winter solstice time of year. I also love to fly so that's a two in one for me.

Bath Time Therapy

Do you remember what your bubble baths were like growing up? I do. Lot's of laughing, splashing, wet floors, and shriveled up fingers and toes. Those are truly sweet memories for me.

A Sexually Satisfied Woman

Sexually charged, sexually fulfilled, sexually satisfied! How can you tell if your woman is that kind of gal? What do sexually satisfied women look like, smell like, taste like, feel like? What do sexually satisfied women have in common? Wouldn’t you like to know? Sexually satisfied women have many things in common and one of those things is that they are happy with their sex lives. They are satisfied with their needs being met, satisfied with their self-expression, their pleasure, all that good stuff. How do you spot a sexually satisfied woman? It really isn’t hard to tell. She’s a woman who has no problem smiling. Smiling to her is a daily thing just like checking Facebook is for some. Sexually satisfied women also know they got it going on and enjoy this knowledge thoroughly. She finds the simplest things in life to be so profound. She seeks pleasure like its treasure. She enjoys making love several times a week with someone or by herself.  She...