
Showing posts from February, 2007
I've been spending the past few days trying to get organized for my party. It's been hectic! Everyone is starting to feel much better and I can finally think straight again. I got the evite done and sent. About time. It looks really nice. I'm waiting for the replies to start coming in. So far I've gotten 4 replies and a few have viewed it. Some of the one's that viewed it and not answered I was expecting. You see it's not everyone's kindda party so I could understand if they looked at the evite and can't decide on how to respond. The choices are simple...1)Ooooh, I need this night out. 2)Ummm, still thinking about it. 3)Washing my hair. It's simple. But (there's that word) it's not as simple for them. You see, I was there before, where you are so dedicated to being a certain way that anything outside of that box is taboo. You're not supposed to touch it or come near it. So you're probably thinking why in the hell did I invite them any...

It's My Anniversary!!!

Happy Anniversary to me. Yes today is my 8th anniversary!!!! And what a day it has been. D. and I were supposed to be at a beautiful hotel this weekend, and he was supposed to be off today. Well because everyone has been sick we had to pospone our weekend getaway. How sad! But it's going to be on when we get a chance to make it up. We won't hold back either. I've been looking for some places where I can put my blog so that I can get traffic. Haven't had any luck yet. I don't want to go joining this and that. Any suggestions??

Good Happy Saturday Morning!!

What a way to start my Saturday morning......discovering that I am SUPERGIRL! Ha Ha Ha!!! D. took it last night and guess who he is....SUPERMAN, well wouldn't you know. Take the test and see who you are. You are Supergirl Supergirl 87% Superman 80% The Flash 65% Wonder Woman 62% Green Lantern 60% Spider-Man 50% Catwoman 50% Iron Man 50% Robin 47% Hulk 45% Batman 35% Lean, muscular and feminine. Honest and a defender of the innocent. Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

My Thoughts On Hip Hop...

Yesterday I tried to add a video to my blog. It didn't work. I'm not that savvy as yet, but I'm working on it. Guess who has pink eye? Yup it's me. I can't remember ever having pink eye in all my adult life. I tell you the truth, start having kids and watch out you are prone to catching all kinda stuff. D. and I watched a show on PBS called Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes. What is really going on?? We have just let all moral, integrity, and the love for our people go out the window. We have become so blinded by what we are seeing that we can't even see what it has become. The music we rock to today is different. The lyrics have changed into who shootin' up who, who doin' who, how much I'm makin', how much I'm takin'. And let's not forget the images *@#&$&[-@ (need I say more?) We don't have cable tv and I'm glad. Ok, it was not always a choice not to have it but now that we do have the choice we choose not too. Hip Ho...
I feel much better today. It's amazing how a clean house can make me feel. How much it can effect my attitude. Our place is small for 7 people. We live in a 3 bedroom apartment now. It's tight in here and when things get out of place and disorganized it's even tighter. April 17th will be a year since the move. We had no idea where we were going to live until a few days before we had to move. It was tough... D. was going to leave work early today. He already went in late because he had to pick up the kids perscriptions. Three of them were running fevers over 101. He's there for us so much and does his greatest not to let me down. The other day I mentioned something about a seat where you could sit your baby in even if he's not sitting up on his own yet. And what does he do, buys the thing last night. He said whatever will make my job easier. Like buying me an Ergo baby carrier. I've heard so much about it and wanted to get one way before the baby was born. We or...
What a way to start a Monday morning. As I was washing Victoria's face (removing the evidence of a terrible cold), Gabrielle runs into my room barely opening her eyes saying Mommy, Mommy I don't feel good. The baby starts crying so I call David (who's not big enough to hold him yet) to help me calm Joshua down, who's getting more and more irritated with David just standing there watching him. Probably thinking I do this so that you all can pick me up so what are you waiting for? Tanisha was downstairs cooking breakfast so she didn't hear the chaos going on upstairs. David looks at me with these helpless eyes and says I don't think I'm helping him Mommy he looks like he's getting mad at me. Meanwhile, the water was still running in the bathroom so you know Victoria could not avoid the temptation to stick her hands in and at the same time get both of her sleeves soaking wet. Gabrielle starts moaning because the girl was running a fever of 102.4. At this mo...
Joshua at 3 weeks. My cutie pie!!


This is my day off!!!! Ummm , what's it going to look like. That's just it, nothing but ME! Whatever I want. Right now I'm rocking to ne -yo. Making my kids laugh at mommy. They Love it when I get into these silly moods. Relaxed and laid back. David just asked me if he can play the play station and when I said yes, his eyes nearly popped outta his head. For real mommy, for real? I'm blogging. Maybe this thing is going to work out after all, connecting my blog to my email account. cool. I have all of my reads sitting in front of me. I'm going to read all of them. Not necessarily finish, but I will touch them all. I'm going to play on the laptop and visit the list of sites I've got written down. One being pzijeans .com I need to find the store in Atlanta. Can't wait to try on these jeans. They are made with the "real" woman in mind. Curves in all the right places. What about Ms. J. Hudson? I say ROCK IT baby. She's hot, now. So why not....

There's So Much That I Want To Do.....And So Little Time!

Here are a few.....I want to blog more. Hopefully connecting my blog to my email account is going to help, we'll see. I want to finish this book I've been reading forever....God Is Not A Christian, by Carlton Pearson. Excellent read. I want to get into this book I bought... Divine Stories of the Yahweh Sisterhood, I heard it was good. I would love to be pampered again at the spa. My favorite place is Spa Sydell. I need a facial, pedicure, manicure, and massage in the worst way. I'm smiling just thinking about it. I can only imagine how I'd feel if I was really there. I want to, no, need to call my guest for a party I'm having in March. Everytime I sit down to do it....mommy duty calls. I had one of these "Girls Night Out" parties a couple of years ago. Loved it!. We had so much fun!! I wrote about it in my blog. Don't know how far back, but it's there. I want to go to the gym. Don't get me wrong the 36 lbs that I lost after having the baby doin...