Today: 7/3/07 - Filling In The Blanks: 4/17/06
April 17, 06 - The Day of Our Move We knew this day was coming. We were ready, at least that's what we thought! Downsizing from a 4 bedroom home to a 3 bedroom townhouse was going to take some creativity and some skill at being organized. The movers arrived all ready to take our things and load them up in the truck. We prepared ourselves for everything to fit in the smaller place by selling and giving away some of our furniture. This was furniture that had been with us for a long time, but parting with them didn't seem all that bad since we found people who could really use them. Watching our kids say good bye to their friends was a little heart breaking, although we wouldn't be moving far, but just the thought of them not being right down the block would be an adjustment for them. When we arrived at the new place reality hit. This was going to be our home for the next six months or so we thought. It ended up being 15 months to be exact. Had you of told us that back then we...